The Attempt of the Undomiciled
a study about Fernand Deligny's performative philosophy and pedagogy
CfAR Centre for Artistic Research
University of the Arts Helsinki
“Une tentative n’est pas une institution en ce sens que la tentative est un petit ensemble, un petit réseau très souple qui se trame dans la réalité comme elle est, dans les circonstances comme elles sont, allant même à la rencontre d’événements assez rares qui ne peuvent pas être créés arbitrairement. (…) Car s’il est quelque chose auquel les enfants psychotiques sont allergiques, c’est au fait exprès : ils nous voient venir de loin.”
(Deligny, 2007: 705).
no hay historia no hay lenguaje
There's no history
There is no language
lo que pende fuera del lenguaje pende fuera de la historia,
what hangs out of language hangs out of history
hace su anarchistoria apropiada, e inexiste en su intensidad apropiada.
it makes its proper anarchistory, and inexists in its proper intensity.
In-atrapable, se escab(h)ull(y)e por todo pasillo de estatalidad, de resituación, de domiciliación.
Untraceable, it slips away
through every corridor of statehood, of re-situation, of domicile.
Indomiciliado aquello que se pone en fuga, como la tortilla inatrapable que canta, como la figura del cantautor que señala y brinca hacia un lugar de la historia, a la espera, que espera, la acción de una historia a ocurrir, misma señalación la de Borges.
Undomicilied that which escapes, like the unassailable tortilla that sings, as the figure of the singer-songwriter who points and jumps towards a place in history, waiting, waiting for the action of a history to occur, the same pointing as that of Borges.
"By the term form-of-life, on the other hand, I mean a life that can never be separated from its form, a life in which it is never possible to isolate something such as naked life.
A life that cannot be separated from its form is a life for which what is at stake in its way of living is living itself. What does this formulation mean? It defines a life -human life- in which the single ways, acts, and processes of living are never simply facts but always and above all possibilities of life, always and above all power. Each behavior and each form of human living is never prescribed by a specific biological vocation, nor is it assigned by whatever necessity; instead, no matter how customary, repeated, and socially compulsory, it always retains the character of a possibility; that is, it always puts at stake living itself. That is why human beings- as beings of power who can do or not do, succeed or fail, lose themselves or find themselves-"
(Agamben, 2000: 3-4)